일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
- The origin of jackpot #잭팟의 어원
- The origin of the name Washington #워싱턴의 어원
- kinfolk #킨포크 #가까운 사람들과 함께 어울리며 느리고 여유로운 자연 속의 소박한 삶을 지향하는 현상
- The Origin of cotton Cotton Candy #솜사탕의 유래
- The origin of Sunday #일요일의 어원
- Canapes #카나페 #카나페의 유래 #핑거푸드
- The origin of Fortune Cookie #포츈쿠키의 기원
- The LA Dodgers #류현진 #박찬호 #로스엔젤레스 다저스 LA다저스
- The origin of the name Las Vegas #라스베가스의 어원
- The history of New York #뉴욕의 어원 #뉴욕의 역사
- The 22nd solar term #동지 #Dongji #winter solstice #Dongji Patjuk #a red bean porridge #Saturnalia
- New Year's resolution #새해 결심
- get out #get over with get through#
- The origin of Thursday #목요일의 어원 #Donnerstag #Jovis dies #Donar의 날 #Thor
- New Year's Eve traditions #세계 각국의 새해 전야 전통
- 各自圖生 #제각기 살아나갈 방법을 꾀함 #각자도생
- White House #백악관
- The origin of the name Broadway #브로드웨이 어원
- The origin of Friday #금요일의 어원 #Norse goddess Frigg #Roman goddess Venus
- The New Year sunrise in Korea #한국의 새해 해맞이 전통 #해맞이 명소 #일출을 보면서 다가올 해에 대한 꿈과 희망을 기원
- The Big Apple ; New York's nickname #뉴욕의 별명 #뉴욕을 빅애플이라 부르는 이유 #빅애플의 유래
- What is a canyon? #협곡 #그랜드캐년
- The origin of the name San Francisco #샌프란시스코의 어원
- The Origin of Saturday #토요일의 어원 #사트로누스 #농업의 신 #Saturn
- The origin of LA갈비 #LA갈비의 유래
- Bagel City #New York is known as the "Bagel City" for three reasons #뉴욕베이글
- The history of the sandwich #샌드위치의 역사 #샌드위치 백작 #샌드위치
- The Origin of Los Angeles #로스엔젤레스 어원
- The Origin of Curry #카레의 기원 #카레
- The Origin of Cake #케이크의 기원
- Today
- Total
목록분류 전체보기 (122)
갱년기 아줌마의 영어놀이
예수 그리스도의 탄생기념일 그리스도(Christ)의 미사(mass) 크리스마스가 며칠 안 남았다. 크리스마스의 의미와 크리스마스의 기원에 대해 알아본다. The origin of Christmas Christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on December 25th and a public holiday in many countries around the world. The origins of Christmas are shrouded in mystery. The Bible does not specify the exact date of Jesus's birth, so early Ch..
streaming + inflation 한동안 바빠서 넷플릭스 구독을 끊었다가 재구독하려니 구독료가 체감상 배는 오른 듯ᆢ 배가 아파 찾아봤다 streamingflation ㅎㅎ streamingflation : The rise of online video subscription prices Introduction: streamingflation is a portmanteau of the words "streaming" and "inflation." It refers to the increasing cost of online video subscription services, such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and HBO Max. In the past y..
breakfast + lunch 오늘 같은 주말엔 평소 봐두었던 멋진 카페에서 느긋하게 브런치를 즐기면 어떨까? The origin of brunch A : Have you ever wondered about the origin of brunch? It seems a bit indulgent with those fancy brunch meals, doesn't it? B : Absolutely! The concept of brunch actually stems from combining "breakfast" and "lunch." It's not just a modern term ; its roots go back to 1895 in England, where the aristocracy indulged..
늘 지나치던 단어 "블루투스"가 유독 눈에 띄는 오늘, 그 이름의 유래를 뒤져본다. Bluetooth? A : The name "Bluetooth" is quite peculiar, isn't it? B : Yeah. I wonder why it was named after a blue tooth for a short-range wireless communication technology. A : The name is derived the name of Herald Bluetooth, a Viking king who united Denmark and Norway in the 10th century. B : Oh, I see. So, it has a symbolic meaning that Bluetooth..
로맨틱 코미디 어반 판타지 타임슬립 나, 갱년기 아줌마는 여전히 판타지물을 좋아한다. 내가 좋아하는 요소들을 두루 갖춘 선물 같은 드라마가 있어 소개한다. I'm into K-drama ; 열녀 박 씨 계약결혼뎐 I'm currently into K-drama;열녀박 씨 계약결혼뎐(Miss Park's Contract Marriage Prelude). From romantic comedy to fantasy to time slip, the genre is fantastic and how lovely the actor in the main character is. Here is the introduction of this drama.One day, the young woman Park Yeonwoo fro..
개인 주문에 따라 맞춘 tailor-made 맞춤 생산을 하는 광고를 보다 궁금해져 오늘도 찾아본다. 대화로 볼까요~ A : I was reading about the word "bespoke" the other day. B : Really? What did you learn about it. A : Well, it means "made to order" or "customized." Its originally from the verb "bespeak" , which means "to indicate" or "to order." B : That's interesting. I've heard the word before, but I never really knew what it meant. A : Yeah..
"Woden의 날" 상업 활동이 활발한 날 "水"의 기운이 가장 강한 날 오늘은 수요일, 일주일의 허리를 지탱하는 Wednesday의 어원을 알아본다. The origin of Wednesday The English word "Wednesday" comes from the Old English word "Woden's day." Woden is the god of wisdom and war in Germanic mythology, and is known as Odin in Norse mythology. Therefore Wednesday means "Woden's day", and is derived from the culture of the Vikings, who worshipped Woden. Wed..
나, 리즈 있어 보여? 카리스마 중간자만 떼어낸 단어 이말 모르면 꼰대? Leeds era 3탄 - 요즘 미국애들이 쓰는 신조어 "rizz"에 대해 알아본다. Do I appear to have "rizz"? If you're not familiar with it, You might be a bit old-fashioned. It's a term derived by taking the middle part of "charisma", and in Korea, you might have heard the expression "리즈시절." In this context "리즈" signifies a past flourishing period, such as the prime time of celebrity or..
전성기 한창때 최고 잘 나갈 때 지난 Leeds era 포스팅 2탄 전성기를 뜻하는 heydayd의 어원을 찾아본다. 대화로 볼까요? A : Hey I'm curious about the word "heyday." Where does it actually come from? B : Oh, that's a fascinating question. It seems "heyday" has a fun little history. Initially in the late 16th century, it was used as an exclamation, similar to "hurrah!" A : Really? I wouldn't have a guessed that. B : It seems people used it t..
짜파구리 짜파게티 + 너구리 오늘 같은 일요일엔 광고처럼 "오늘은 내가 짜파게티 요리사!" 하면서 누군가 맛나게 짜파구리를(짜파게티도 좋고) 해주면 좋으련만ᆢ 대화로 볼까요~ A : Want to have a ram-don tonight? B : Ram-don? That's the dish that was in the Bong Joon-ho movie, right? A : Yeah, that's right. I've been wanting to try it ever since I saw that movie. B : But I wonder if it'll be good if you mix Jjapagetti and Neoguri. A : I don't know. We'll just have to try i..